Rose Island Movie Review

Things Nerds do for their girl(love) !

Rose Island Movie Review
Rose Island Movie Review

Rose Island

Romantic Drama ‧ 1h 57m
Imdb – 7/10 | Rotten Tomatoes – 75%

Rose Island Movie Review: Based on the true story of An idealistic engineer Giorgio Rosa and the tiny nation he founded in 1968 off the Rimini coast drawing the world’s attention, but problems mount when the Italian Government declares him an enemy, but to change the world risks must be taken resulting in a generation’s dreams and aspirations.

Things Nerds do for their girl(love), but it’s so hard for them to understand till it gets famous or recognized, Rose Island is one such story based on the true story of Giorgio Rosa, a Italian engineer, basically a nerd who built a island (4,300 sq ft platform ) in Adriatic Sea, 11 kilometres off the coast of the province of Rimini, Italy, as his girlfriend told him “you live in your own world but the world isn’t yours, you didn’t build it” so he build his own world with their own rules, flag, language and passport, though it was destroyed by the Italian Government but he proved nerds may be odd but they push boundaries and dare to do something new to change the world and there is nothing wrong in trying and Rose Island Movie reflects the same.

Why to watch

  • A man do things for his girl
  • Nerd romantic story
  • Based on true story
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Self belief

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