House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths Series Review

House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths Series Review


House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths

True Crime Docu Series – 3 Episodes

House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths – Summary

The mysterious death of 11 members from the same family, which include three generations, found hanging in their home. It’s a murder or suicide? Mystery unveils!

House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths – Review

Netflix’s new true-crime docuseries – House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths, is based on the shocking case of 11 deaths of the same family from Burari, Delhi on 30 June 2018. A bone chilling case which shook the entire nation.

A three part series directed by Leena Yadav, explores the various theories surroundings the death, whether it’s a murder or a suiside and the complete investigation about the case. Intially looked like a suiside as they were found hanging just like banyan tree roots, but the crime scene suggested murder as their hands are tiedup, eyes covered.

The entire family of 3 generations hanging themselves seems odd as described by neighbours and close friends,everything seemed alright the night before the incident took place. Also a few days ago they were celebrating one of their daughter’s engagements.
Murder angle also seems to be not a possibility as there is no outside person entering the house as per cctv data.

What could have really happened that transpired within the three-generational family. With media people chasing the breaking news and coming up with theories be it 11 pipe outlets with a 7, 4 theory or linking it to the Contractor daughter who is considered as a God Women and a spiritual guide to the family. Relatives and a country looking for answers and Police under immense pressure to solve the case, there is no simple answer to give.
A murder, suicide or a supernatural ritual gone wrong?

The series also spark’s a conversion to talk more about mental health. A must watch for those who like true crime mysteries.

Why to watch

  • Shocking case of 11 deaths in one family
  • One house full of secrets
  • A set of diaries that lead investigator’s closer to the truth
  • Bone chilling incident

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Image Credit – Netflix FB Page.